NCC 2025

2025 national conference on communications

6th-9th March, 2025

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


Title: Signaling, Networking and Security for Integrated Sensing and Communications 

Speaker: Christos Masouros, University College London

Date: 7.3.2025

Time: 10:00AM

Venue: LH108

Abstract: The future global cellular infrastructure will underpin a variety of applications, such as smart city solutions, urban security, infrastructure monitoring, and smart mobility, among others. These emerging applications require new network functionalities that go beyond traditional communication. Key network KPIs for 6G include Gb/s data rates, cm-level localization, μs-level latency, and Tb/Joule energy efficiency. Additionally, future networks must support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals to ensure sustainability, net-zero emissions, resilience, and inclusivity.

The multifunctionality and net-zero emissions agenda call for a redesign of multi-access technologies for 6G and beyond. In this talk, I focus on enabling multifunctionality in signals and wireless transmissions as a means of reducing hardware redundancy and minimizing carbon footprint.

We will explore the emerging field of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC), which represents a paradigm shift towards combining sensing and communication functionalities within a single transmission, utilizing a single spectrum and ultimately sharing a common infrastructure. In this talk I briefly present the opportunities of ISAC as a natural evolution of the two technologies, with obvious gains in energy-, hardware- and cost- efficiency through the use of dual-functional hardware. I further explain that their co-design also offers opportunities in flexible trade-offs and new synergies between sensing and communication, both at the link level and at the network level. I then discuss unprecedented security vulnerabilities that ISAC brings about, that need to be urgently addressed before its large scale deployment. I present some results from my team’s work in the area, that underline the benefits of the co-design in offering a graceful trade-off between the communications, sensing and security, and some prototyping results. I conclude with some thoughts on research opportunities and the road ahead. 

Bio: Christos Masouros (FIEEE, FIET) received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2004, and MSc by research and PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK in 2006 and 2009 respectively. In 2008 he was a research intern at Philips Research Labs, UK, working on the LTE standards. Between 2009-2010 he was a Research Associate in the University of Manchester and between 2010-2012 a Research Fellow in Queen's University Belfast. In 2012 he joined University College London as a Lecturer. He has held a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship between 2011-2016.

Since 2019 he is a Full Professor of Signal Processing and Wireless Communications in the Information and Communication Engineering research group, Dept. Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and affiliated with the Institute for Communications and Connected Systems, University College London. His research interests lie in the field of wireless communications and signal processing with particular focus on Green Communications, Large Scale Antenna Systems, Integrated Sensing and Communications, interference mitigation techniques for MIMO and multicarrier communications. Between 2018-22 he was the Project Coordinator of the €4.2m  EU H2020 ITN project PAINLESS, involving 12 EU partner universities and industries, towards energy-autonomous networks. Between 2024-28 he will be the Scientific Coordinator of the €2.7m EU H2020 DN project ISLANDS, involving 19 EU partner universities and industries, towards next generation vehicular networks. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Insitute of Electronic Engineers (IET), the Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance (AIIA) and the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA). He was the recipient of the 2024 IEEE SPS Best Paper Award, the 2024 IEEE SPS Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award, the 2023 IEEE ComSoc Stephen O. Rice Prize, co-recipient of the 2021 IEEE SPS Young Author Best Paper Award and the recipient of the Best Paper Awards in the IEEE GlobeCom 2015 and IEEE WCNC 2019 conferences.  He is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecturer 2024-2025,  and his work on ISAC has been featured in the World Economic Forum’s report on the top 10 emerging technologies. He has been recognised as an Exemplary Editor for the IEEE Communications Letters, and as an Exemplary Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Communications. He is an Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and Editor-at-Large for IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. He has been an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, Associate Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, and a Guest Editor for a number of IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing issues. He is a founding member and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Emerging Technology Initiative on Integrated Sensing and Communications (SAC), Chair of the IEEE SPS ISAC Technical Working Group, and Chair of the IEEE Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee, Special Interest Group on Green ISAC.  He is a member of the IEEE Standards Association Working Group on ISAC performance metrics, and a founding member of the ETSI ISG on ISAC. He is the TPC chair for the IEEE ICC 2024 Selected Areas in Communications (SAC) Track on ISAC, Chair of the IEEE PIMRC2024 Track 1 on PHY and Fundamentals, Chair of the "Integrated Imaging and Communications" stream in IEEE CISA 2024, and TPC Co-Chair of IEEE VTC 2025.

Title: Function-Correcting Codes (FCC): A New Framework for Error Control Coding (ECC)

Speaker: B Sundar Rajan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Date: 8.3.2025

Time: 9:00AM

Venue: LH108

Abstract: In the classical Error Control Coding (ECC) problem k message bits are encoded into n transmitted bits and the receiver wants to recover all the k message bits even if there are up to t errors in the n transmitted bits.  Consider the scenario where only a certain attribute of the k message bits is of interest to the receiver and not the entire k message bits and this attribute is the result of a certain function of the k message bits, say f(k message bits).  Now the receiver wants the function value to be error-free even if t transmitted bits are erroneous. That is, it is not necessary for the receiver to recover all the k message bits correctly since it is only interested in the function values of the k message bits. Codes designed to achieve this protection only to the function values and not the entire message bits are called Function-Correcting Codes (FCCs). Note that for the special case of the function f(.) being a bijection the theory of FCC coincides with the theory of ECC. That is, ECCs are a special case of FCCs. Recently it has been shown that FCCs can be designed with a small number of redundant bits. In other words, the length n of FCCs can be much smaller compared to the length of the ECCs. This amounts to large savings in bandwidth and the amount of savings in bandwidth depends on the function f(.). In this talk we will discuss all the results on FCCs known in the literature for various classes of functions. It turns out that several well-known bounds for ECCs like Singleton bound, Plotkin bound, and Gilbert-Varshamov bound can be generalized to FCCs.  The theory of FCCs is in its infant stage and can be considered as a part of semantic communication.  New results on bounds and FCCs for the special case of the function f(.) being a linear function will be presented along with highlighting several open problems. 

Bio: B. Sundar Rajan is a Life Fellow of IEEE and was a member of Fellow Evaluation Standing Committee of IEEE Communications Society (2019-2021). He was an Associate Editor of   IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2008-2011 and 2013-2015), an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2007-2011) and an Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2012-2015).  He served as a Technical Program Co-Chair of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW’02), held in Bangalore, in 2002.  He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, the Indian National Science Academy, the Indian Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences, India. He is a recipient of Prof. Rustum Choksi Award by Indian Institute of Science for Excellence in Research in Engineering for the year 2009, the IETE Pune Centre’s S.V.C Aiya Award for Telecom Education in 2004, and Best Academic Paper Award at the IEEE WCNC 2011.  Prof.  Rajan received his B.Sc. degree in mathematics from Madras University, B.Tech. degree in electronics from Madras Institute of Technology, India, and M.Tech. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from IIT Kanpur. He was a faculty member at the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, from 1990 to 1997. He has been a Professor with the Department of Electrical Communication Engineering at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, since 1998. He is a J.C. National Fellow (2016-2025). His current research interests include Coded Caching, Private Information Retrieval (PIR), Coding for Distributed Computing, Semantic Communication, Over-The-Air (OTA) Computing, and Coding for MIMO and multi-user communication.

Title: Optimal Multi-Objective Best Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence

Speaker: Vincent Y. F. Tan, National University of Singapore 

Date: 9.3.2025

Time: 9:00AM

Venue: LH108

Abstract: We consider a multi-armed bandit setting with finitely many arms, in which each arm yields an M-dimensional vector reward upon selection. We assume that the reward of each dimension (a.k.a. objective) is generated independently of the others. The best arm of any given objective is the arm with the largest component of mean corresponding to the objective. The end goal is to identify the best arm of every objective in the shortest (expected) time subject to an upper bound on the probability of error (i.e., fixed-confidence regime). We establish a problem-dependent lower bound on the limiting growth rate of the expected stopping time, in the limit of vanishing error probabilities. This lower bound, we show, is characterised by a max-min optimisation problem that is computationally expensive to solve at each time step. We propose an algorithm that uses the novel idea of surrogate proportions to sample the arms at each time step, eliminating the need to solve the max-min optimisation problem at each step. We demonstrate theoretically that our algorithm is asymptotically optimal. We provide extensive empirical studies to substantiate the efficiency of our algorithm. Finally, applications of best arm identification to the problem of fast beam alignment in wireless communications will be discussed. 

This is joint work with Zhirui Chen (National University of Singapore), P. N. Karthik (IIT Hyderabad), Yeow Meng Chee (National University of Singapore), Yi Wei (Zhejiang University) and Zixin Zhong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou). 

Bio: Vincent Y. F. Tan received the B.A. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical and information science from Cambridge University in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2011. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), National University of Singapore (NUS). His research interests include information theory, machine learning, and statistical signal processing.


Title: (coming soon)

Speaker: D Manjunath, IIT Bombay

Date: 7.3.2025

Time: 4PM

Venue: LH108

Bio: D. Manjunath received his BE from Mysore University, MS from Indian Institute  of Technology, Madras and PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy NY in  1986, 1989  and 1993 respectively. He has worked in the  Corporate R & D center  of General Electric in  Scehenctady NY during the summer of 1990. He was a  Visiting Faculty in the Comuter and Information Sciences Dept of the University of Delaware and a Post Doctoral  Fellow in the Computer Science  Dept of the University of  Toronto. He was on the Electrical Engineering  faculty of the Indian Inst of Technology, Kanpur during December  1994 - July 1998.  He has been with the Deptt of Electrical Engineering of IIT, Bombay since July 1998.  

Title: Direct-to-Mobile: India's Atmanirbhar Leap 

Speaker: Anindya Saha, VP (Wireless), TEJAS NETWORKS

Date: 7.3.2025

Time: 4PM

Venue: LH108

Abstract: The talk unveils Tejas Networks' indigenous solution that utilizes the UHF spectrum and specialized chipsets to deliver content to nearly a billion devices. The platform can offload mobile data through converged broadcast-cellular networks with the appropriate waveform. This is a transformative development on a global scale. Key innovations include the Hybrid Energy Efficient Infrastructure, which is vendor neutral. Proven through metropolitan trials and global demonstrations, this initiative goes beyond technology. It's about promoting India's digital inclusion and semiconductor sovereignty goals, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital revolution. 

Bio: Anindya Saha, a seasoned professional with approximately 29 years of experience, currently serves as the VP of Wireless (CTO Office) at Tejas Networks. His expertise in Software Defined Radios is evident in his leadership of the Baseband and RF system design for 5G Products. Notably, in his previous role as CTO at SaankhyaLabs, a wireless semiconductor startup acquired by Tejas Networks, he led the design and development of the Baseband and RF subsystems for Saankhya’s products in wireless communication, which included Broadcast Receivers, Satellite IoT modems, and White-Space broadband modems.

He has been instrumental in developing 5G Radio, Broadcast Radio, and SDR Platforms and holds several fundamental patents (40+ approved US and India patents) and publications in this domain. He has also received the “Hall of Fame” award from the Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India (TSDSI), due to his pioneering work on “Broadcast Broadband Convergence” in 2022. He is currently an Executive member of the IEEE Bangalore Section and was the past Chair of the IEEE Communication Society, Bangalore Chapter from 2023-2024. Under his leadership, the ComSoC Bangalore Chapter won the 2024 Chapter Achievement Award in the APAC Region and the Outstanding Sister Chapter Award.

He is a Senior Member of IEEE and participates in 3GPP, ORAN, and TSDSI standardization activities. He has authored around 10+ IEEE publications and co-authored a chapter titled “IEEE 802.22/802.22.3 Cognitive Radio Standards: Theory to Implementation” in the Handbook of Cognitive Radio, published by Springer.

Anindya has a breadth of experience ranging from Semiconductor Chip Design to Wireless Communication. Before joining the core team at SaankhyaLabs, Anindya worked for multinationals like Texas Instruments and Broadcom. At TI and Broadcom, he led several award-winning SoC designs related to Broadband Gateways, DSL Modems, and Ethernet switches. Anindya has a master’s degree in electrical communication Engg from IISC, Bangalore (1994-1996) and a bachelor’s degree in electrical communication Engg. from IIT-BHU, Varanasi (1989-1993), where he was the recipient of the Gold Medal in Graduate Studies. His profile is available at

Title: (coming soon)

Speaker: Balaji Srinivasan, IIT Madras

Date: 8.3.2025

Time: 4PM

Venue: LH108

Bio: Balaji Srinivasan obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 from the University of New Mexico, USA. He subsequently worked as a Senior Development Scientist at Corning Incorporated, USA, where he led technology development efforts related to 3D Optical Cross-connects and Channel Selectable Tunable Filters. Since 2004 he has been with the Indian Institute of Technology Madras as a faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering, presently as Professor. 

Balaji’s research interests span the development of active and passive optical components/subsystems for distributed fiber optic sensors and fiber lasers. Balaji has co-authored more than 210 journal and international conference publications, as well as 4 book chapters. He also has 14 patents to his credit (8 more pending). He has successfully executed or currently investigating over 30 research projects, resulting in the development of 8 technologies, 4 of which have been transferred to industry for commercialization.

 Balaji has served on the Editorial Board of the prestigious Optics Express journal and was until recently one of the Directors of Unilumen Photonics Pvt Ltd, a fiber laser company incubated by IIT Madras. He has previously served as a Member of the Photonics Working Group of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITy), Government of India, Steering Committee of the National Photonics Fellowship, the Editorial Board of the Springer Photonic Network Communications Journal, and as a Chair for the 2012 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics. For his professional accomplishments, he has been awarded Senior Membership in Optica.

Title: (coming soon)

Speaker: Preeti Rao, IIT Bombay

Date: 8.3.2025

Time: 4PM

Venue: LH108